Sunday, July 11, 2010

Painting the shed

We are home from the trip to the cabin.  We were gone 6 days.  The shed is painted and looks great.  Breanne, Kyle and Emma did a great job.  We found them old t-shirts to wear so that their clothes wouldn't get painted in the process.  After that there was time for fishing and swimming.  Emma caught her first fish so it was pretty thrilling.  She has been visiting us for 2 weeks now and has been having a great time except for the no-see-ums that have been biting her like crazy.  It must be that southern Ontario blood.  Every day we had great weather.  There is a large area in front of the cabin where they played soccer and badminton.  Some days it was too hot because the temperature reached 33C but mostly hovered around 25-27C, which is still too warm when you have no central air-conditioning to cool you off.  A good time was had by all.



cmcleonard said...

It sounds like a wonderful time despite the heat and bugs.

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