Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday Workshop

On Saturday I attended a work shop where we made placemats for "Empty Bowls Caring Hearts".  It is an organization to make people aware of hunger in the world.

There were between 10-15 women there over the course of the day.  We were served a beautiful lunch of homemade soup and breads.  Good fellowship was abundant as well. 

Maria and I made 4 placemats between us.  It is a simple pattern using 24 - 6 1/2 inch squares that you sew together and then cut off part of one side and sew it to the other and then cut off one end and sew it to the other end.  We laughed because you cut the fabric up into squares, sew it back together and then cut it up again.  We used the scraps for the binding.


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