Monday, February 25, 2013

Red and Blue Roosters

I started this quilt after Christmas but I never do one project at a time so I finally got it finished.  There were a few challenges with it.

Some of the blocks gave me a bit of trouble because there were 25 of them and I think that that is the most blocks that I have put into a quilt and I didn't pay enough attention to each one.  I fixed them and all are okay.

I ran out of red border fabric but got that figured out with the help of some guild members.  It was a fun quilt to make because Lynda always gives me carte blanche when I am making something for her.  I made the quilt top and will mail it to her so that she can get it quilted where she lives.  It will be cheaper to mail it then a quilted quilt.  It is 60 x 80 inches.  I also bought the backing fabric. I was able to get extra wide fabric to make it easier, instead of having to sew the backing together to fit the quilt.

Lynda likes roosters, that is why there are 10 roosters in the quilt.  She purchased the fabric in England when we were there in 2011.  The small flowers were also part of the rooster fabric and I fussy cut 200 of them  to fit into the pattern.

You can see the snow on the deck. 
Thanks to YKW for shovelling off the
foot of snow so that I could 
hang the quilt to take the picture.

I also made a label for the quilt.
I called this quilt Red and Blue Roosters.
I am going to use Heat and Bond to stick the label to
the quilt and then it will be quilted into 
the quilt by the Longarm Quilter.


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