Sunday, August 21, 2011


I wanted to make a small pouch for my make-up etc so I searched the internet and couldn't find one that I liked so I made up my own pattern.  The reason I didn't like the patterns was that either they had seams showing on the inside or the zipper construction just wasn't easy to work out.

I started with a finished piece of fabric 18 x 9.5 inches (I sewed together 2 1/2 inch strips and then quilted them) and decided it was too big so I cut off 6" and then the pouch was too small, so I started again and cut off 4 inches.  I ended up with 3 pouches and the tutorial is on the smallest.

So lets get started.
(I love talking to myself, I hope someone is listening
besides me)

Here is the small piece of fabric, 6" x 9.5"

And the lining

I folded them in 1/2 and sewed a 1/4 inch seam
down both sides, on the lining also.

Then you have to box the corners

And also on the lining

Cutting the corners off on the pouch
and the lining cuts down on the bulk.

Turn the lining right side out and
place it inside the pouch. 
Pin around the top and stich 1/4 inch around

Make sure you leave a 2" or so
space to that you can turn it
and pull everything through the opening.

Press the seam all around so that
the lining doesn't show and it
all stays inside

I don't stich the opening closed I use
Steam-a-Seam 2.  It does a much
nicer job and stays closed.

I also put a small stitch along the seam line
at the bottom
to hold the lining in place.  That way
it won't pop out when you take
something out of the pouch.

Next I added the zipper.

The only light blue zipper I had on hand
was too long.

So I did a zig-zag stitch over the teeth
and cut it off.

A cute little zippered pouch


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