Friday, February 10, 2012

Annual Quilt Bee

Yesterday was the Guild's annual quilt bee.  It was held at the Prince Arthur Hotel in the banquet room.  There were over 60 quilters in attendance.

There were a lot of different quilts being made.  Here are some of them.

Some of the tops were completed and were either laid out on the design wall or completely sewn together ready to be quilted.

Two of the quilts were put together as quilt-as-you-go.

Disappearing 9 Patch

On the Design Wall

We even used the floor when there was no where else to use.

This is the quilt that my team worked on.  It is the disappearing 9 patch.  We used a 12" block for this quilt and put borders on it so that the finished size would be 63 x80.  I like a quilt with borders I think it finishes it off nicely.

We chose our backing and it is ready to be quilted.

We are going to put red binding on it.

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